The journey's of our family

It’s a never ending story.

The beginning of the year, J and I agreed that we felt like it is time to start trying to get pregnant. So we started the process. We got the news from our insurance that we still had funds left to start another IVF cycle, only to find out that they gave us false information. They wouldn’t do any thing about it either that caused a lot of heart ache. With a lot of prayer, we decided that we should do back to back IUIs. Our first cycle was a chemical pregnancy, then we did two more and no luck. I felt that it was going to take a while. We took a little break and started again. Now here we are 9 months latter with the end of our 6th IUI that lead into our 4th chemical pregnancy. Honeslty, I am in a mixture of so many emotions. I can’t stop thinking of every little negative thing on why this isn’t happening. I just don’t get this. Why do I have this challenge in life? What good does it do? It ruins you. I am beyond emotionally drained.

The journey's of our family

I’m Back!

I took a long break from writing. Mostly because having a small babe in the house takes up all of your time. Our little miracle is almost 16 months. It is crazy how fast time goes by. We have been loving every moment of it. I work from home still. It has been getting harder and harder because she has been taking more and more of my time. I try to get as much work in on the phones when she is napping, or when J can help out a little.
My days consist of waking up around 6:30/7 daily, seeing Bri off to school, getting  Pey up, dressed and fed, play time, nap time, lunch time, play time, dinner time, play time, bed time. I love being a mom to two beautiful daughters. I love it so much, J and I have decided to start our journey again with IVF to try to grow our family.

I started BC (birth control) last week and will be starting injections around the 26th of January. I go on on Friday for a baseline ultrasound, and J will have another semen analysis. I am hoping for all good news.
The first week of January we will go in to meet with the financial adviser to go over what insurance coverage we have this time around and what we will need to pay out of pocket. Since it will be the beginning of the year, and our deductible would not be reached, there will be a small about to be paid. Thankfully it will be a discounted price to do IVF. We are very blessed for that.

Since we are ready to start IVF again, I was thinking things would be easy, well for the emotional part. I was wrong though. It could be the birth control hormones trolling me, but I feel like everyone over the past week has been announcing that they are expecting. It is hard. There is still that heart ache. The part that you can’t conceive on your own like most couples. That you have to go through fertility treatments to try to get pregnant. I am really thankful that we have the option to do IVF. I am praying that this time works and we won’t have to do multiple cycles.
I am just not wanting more heartache.
J has been taking Q10 and FertilAid again. He has been taking them for a few weeks now and I have been taking an all natural prenatal vitamin. I hate taking pills, so the less I have to take, the better!

I am going to try to keep writing to keep you all updated. I have been keeping my instagram updated. At least I am good with that! I just have my hands full, in a good way 🙂


Until next time!


The journey's of our family

Two Months


I cant believe it has been two months now. Things were pretty hectic for us this month. I hosted my sister in laws bridal shower, my sister in law and her now husband went through the temple for their first time, went to my sister in laws bachelorette party, we blessed Peyton, and then we had my sister in laws wedding. Oh and lets not forget all the family we had in town for all of this. I has been crazy. Crazy enough to have my mind elsewhere. Now I have a house I need to deep clean soon. it needs it.

This week has been an emotional roller coaster for me. I have been breastfeeding PeyPey. It is something I really enjoy. You share this bond with your child. With this month being so hectic, I slowly started my milk supply decreasing. I started looking online for things that I can do to increase it and asked friends as well. I bought 3 boxes of Mothers Milk Herbal tea and have been drinking that daily along with taking Fenugreek. I have been doing this for about 2 weeks now. It is still too soon to notice any difference. I do still feel empty by the end of the day. I will continue to do both things till I notice a difference.
I talked to my OBGYN and Pey’s Pediatrician and they both said to keep on doing what I am doing. If it goes away, there isn’t much I can do. If she is still hungry after a feeding, then supplement.
I am thankful I am able to do both and she has not winged her self off yet. I am not ready to give that up. I want to at least make it to 3 months.

Our little girl is now 8lbs. 15oz. and 22 inches long! It is hard to believe that a lot of babies are born that size, then here is my little girl now 2 months old barley fitting into 0-3 month clothes. I do love my little peanut.
Big sister has been adjusting great. She loves taking care of her. She will willingly change her diapers and doing other baby duties. I am anxious for her to start eating solid so Bri can feed her. I better soak this all up now because once she is older, she will be wanting to do her own thing instead of big sister duties.

Postpartum comes and goes with me. This week was really hard. I had a few break downs.  It could be from the lack of sleep I was getting. Always on the go with no breaks. I had a big break down the night of my sister in laws wedding and then another the other night. I want to be able to feel normal again. I want to be able to get through the day with not having a negative thought.
Some times it is hard for me to get the words out, so I wrote J a letter explain how I have been feeling and what I wanted/needing him to do to help me out. I am glad that I did because I do feel and notice a difference.

I came back to work in the middle of October. I have been able to work from home and it has been a great blessing. I love being able to stay at home, do my work and take care of my baby girl at the same time. There has been a few times I have had to go into the office, but I am fine with that.
We are stay playing catch up with our finances from me being out of work. Thankfully, this is the last month. We also had a lot of hospital bills that had to be paid. Now that they are all paid, we can focus on Christmas.

The journey's of our family

We made it through our first month

It is October 1st, what means it has been exactly a month since we became a family of four.
It has been nice having time off to mother Peyton. My days consist of binge watching netflix all day long. There is not really anything else I can do without Peyton needing me. Since I have been breastfeeding, She is attached to my boob the majority of the time. Don’t get me wrong, I love being able to breastfeed. I was not able to do so with Bri, but It can been stressful. There will be times where I just fed Peyton and I try to do household chores, and she has a hard time being separated from me. I wish J can breastfeed for me. I have not been pumping because I really do not feel the need of it since I am home all day and all night. J does helps out as much as he can. I will have him cheat and make her a bottle when I really need a break.

A break would be nice right about now. I am the one who cooks, I am the one who cleans, I am the one who tucks Bri into bed at night. I feel as if I am the one doing all of the work. I am the glue to the family. Yesterday I just wanted to break down. Bri was acting up and not listening. I just laid Peyton down after feeding her to eat dinner and within minutes she wakes up screaming. J was still working at this time. It was just me. It was overwhelming, so overwhelming I broke down in tears. My dinner sitting on the table getting cold while I go and take care of the baby, Bri shouting then I have yet to finish my dinner (I have yet to even touch my dinner) and off I go to feed Peyton again what last about a half hour.
This is my daily routine it feels like.
Today while I made dinner Peyton was content, it is till dinner was on the table when all the crying starts back up. It is like she knows when I want to eat. Thankfully J calmed her down while I ate.
All the lack of sleep must be getting to me. Peyton sleeps pretty good and wakes up maybe twice in the middle of the night to eat. We are usually awake for an hour when she does wake up. I will take naps throughout the day. I sit in bed watching TV most of the day so it is easy to dose off for a nap when the babe is sleeping.

Peyton’s two week checkup went great. She went up to 5 lbs 12 oz and 18 1/2 inches. Since she was so tiny still and had a low birth weight, her pediatrician wanted us to bring her back in to do a weight check at 4 weeks. He wanted her to be no less than 6 lbs 6 oz.  Great news! When we took her in to be weighed, she was at 6 lbs 14.5 oz. We are doing a great job fattening her up. She is now a month old and still in newborn clothes. I am ok with that though. I love how tiny she is. She will grow fast. Bri was only a few more ounces than Pey and they were the same length. I remember with Bri, it took a while for her to grow into 0-3 months, but once she did, she grew fast.

Next week we will be getting our family pictures taken along with newborn pictures of Peyton. I am beyond excited for them. We have our outfits all picked out. The anticipation is already killing me. I can’t wait to have our new family pictures throughout our house.

The journey's of our family

6 Days Postpartum

It has been 6 days since our little miracle arrived. Things have been nice and quiet around the house until we have visitors .
Bri has been with her biological dad this weekend, so it has been weird just tending a newborn.  PeyPey is doing great though! She mostly just sleeps, eats and poops. She is only fussy when she is hungry. As soon as she wakes up, she knows it is time to eat.I have been able breastfeed her what has been great. With Bri, I had a really hard time with her even wanting to latch on and just bottle fed her. This has been a nice experience and I am loving being able to do so. Even though it is exhausting to wake up a few times in the middle of the night to feed her, it is all worth it.
We go in for her first check up on the 15th to see how she is doing. I noticed the last two days, she has been sleeping longer and eating less. I really hope that isn’t anything bad. She will go on streaks when she eats for over 20 minutes and then the next feeding she will eat for 5 and just pass out. She isn’t fussy though, and she has a normal temperature. I may just consult a doctor tomorrow if she eats less to see what I can do. The last thing I want is her to lose weight from not eating enough.

Recovery on my side has been a struggle. I feel as if I am getting postpartum Depression. That is hard for me to handle because I have always been the type of person who thinks I would  never have to deal with it. I find myself often just wanting to break down for no reason, well there are reasons, but they are pitty. For example: not wanting anyone to hold Peyton for a long time because I want to, having to deal with family when I want to be left alone, not being at the weight I used to be, or not being able to wear my wedding ring because it no longer fits me. All of them are hard things to deal with. every day is a different thing, but those are some of the things that come to mind. Since today is a holiday, I was going to call my doctor tomorrow about medication. I dont want to be unhappy at all. I want to enjoy life.
Since I had an episiotomy, I have been really sore down there. It hurts to sit down and be comfortable. The first few days at home were hard and things are slowly getting better. I still have to take my pain meds though to help ease the pain. I have been doing different things to help with it. Witch Hazel has been a big help.
Constipation is a joke. I have been taking stool softeners and that has been helping me want to go, but the pain of having to go is worse. I sat on the toilets in tears yesterday because it hurt so bad. How can people poop afterwards with pain like that!!  I have been reading things online to help with the first time. The real question is, when can I have the courage to actually do it.
Water intake is good on my side. I have not been taking my iron supplements like I should, and need to be better at taking then along with my prenatales. it is easy to get out of the habit when you are in the hospital for a few days.

Life has been good though, J is such a great help with Peyton. He loves to snuggle her, then again who doesn’t,
I am so grateful that we have been able to have a successful IVF. I love to just stare at our little girl and just think of all the stuff we had to do to get her here. It was hard work, but beyond worth it. All the needles, and countless doctor appointments to check my levels and follicles just to make this little baby is a miracle, We watched her grow from a small blastocyst. Just the whole process is intriguing to me. Now we have a perfect baby who we adore. I am thankful for that.

I am anxious for Bri to come home tonight. I have missed her. She keeps the house filled with joy. I will be having J pick her up tonight since I am not able to drive on my medications. Thankfully when they get home we will have dinner waiting for us.
Our ward has been bringing over meals every night for us. I also have a few meals in the freezer that I have prepared and more that I need to make.
It is nice knowing that we are taken care of

The journey's of our family

Happy Birthday

Monday I decided that I needed to go grocery shopping done to make a bunch of freezer meals to preparer for when the baby comes. J and I spent around $25o to preparer 14 meals and then some. I was able to get some small things together and planned on making the bigger stuff the next day. Well that night I lost my mucous plug and my first thoughts were excitement. I told J and he just thought it was gross. On my side it meant labor was getting closer.

Tuesday Morning I woke up with sharp contractions. They were to the point I wanted to curl up on all fours. I ended up timing them around 4am. They were ten to eleven minutes apart lasting no more than a minute each. There was a part of me that wanted them to be Labor contractions, but they felt like Braxton Hicks. I timed each one I had with the app I had on my phone. Within a hour in a half, they got closer together. At eight minutes I woke up J and told him I was getting really strong contractions. He stayed awake with me asking me questions. I could hardly answer him though with the pain I was getting from each contraction. When I wasn’t having one, I would look online on when to go to the hospital. I read that you have to be at 4 cm dilated for them admit you and labor contractions should be 5 minutes apart and around 30-60 seconds each. I swear I read that over and over again every day when I started to get contractions, but each time I needed to remind myself for the “It Is Time” moment.
At 6am, J and I decided that we need to get dressed, wake up Bri and head to the hospital.
Could I just tell you how excited she was when I told her it was time. It was like it was Christmas Morning for her and Santa just came.
We got to the hospital around 7am. I was in so much pain at this time. Getting out of the car was a chore, walking into the hospital was a chore, going into the elevator was a chore, well you got the point. They had me go into a room to monitor me and to see how dilated I was. Last week at my checkup I was at a 4, when I got checked this time, I was still at a 4. What? Really? No progress? The nurse monitored my contractions along with our baby’s heartbeat. We quickly found that she did not like my contractions and her heart rate would drop with each one. She wanted to admit me right away and assured she would admit me no matter what because I was in active labor.

They got me all check in to Labor and Delivery where they hooked me back up to monitors again and got me prepped for an epidural.
My Mom came to the hospital to get Bri to keep her busy while I was in labor. It was nice she came when she did because they started to get me prepped for my epidural after they left.
The prepping for the Epidural was the fun part because I was in so much pain and they had to ask so many questions as well. I had three contractions while he was prepping me and it was hell because I had to sit and breath a certain way to not screw things up. I did ask him maybe a dozen times how long does it take for it to take effect. After the anesthesiologist left, my Dr’s partners come in to check my dilation as well with breaking my water to speed things up. When they broke my water, I was at a 6. Finally! Progression! Once it was all ready and the drugs were flowing, it felt like I was on cloud nine.  I was finally able to relax. The epidural was beyond relaxing. So relaxing I didn’t realize they broke my water or checked to see how dilated I become.
Since I was at a six I was able to relax and enjoy being drugged up till I waited to finish dilating. It was weird not being able to feel my feet or legs, but I did not care. I was glad I was able to take a nap. I was able to text my family and friends to let them know I was in labor too.
My nurse came back in after a few hours to check to see how I have been progressing. When she checked I was at 9+ cm and she said that she would come back in a half hour to see where I was. Once I was at a 10, she would have me start pushing. Little did I know I was in for a treat. She came back in a half hour later and sure enough I was fully dilated and one hundred percent effaced.
I swear I asked her the same questions over and over again to prepare myself mentally. How long will I push for? When will my Doctor come in? Whats the longest labour? What is the shortest? I just had a lot of questions. She told me I can be pushing from anywhere to 1-4 hours and that is considered normal. After she starts to crown is when she will call my Doctor and have him head over. Good thing his office is right next door to the hospital.
Off I went to pushing for TWO long hours. My contractions were anywhere from two minutes apart to five minutes apart, so pushing during the contractions was hard. Her heartbeat was keep on dropping with contractions here and there, but was not anything to worry about. Half way through they put me on oxygen to help and had me break every once in awhile to catch my breath. After two hours, she was almost under the pelvic bone. The nurse called my Doctor and he was over before you knew it. The nurse caught him up to date with how things were going. He checked her position and quickly learned she was sunny side up. He was able to turn her face down and hold her there. He told me if he was not able to do that, he would of had to do an emergency cesarean. No one wants to hear that after pushing for two hours. She was getting stuck on my pelvic bone and wasn’t able to slide out, but a few more contractions went by with a few big long pushes and a episiotomy and our little girl was born.

I cried and cried while I watched them clean her off and while J cut the umbilical cord. It was such a beautiful experience. It was scary knowing that her heart rate was dropping and then with her getting stuck from being face up. I was keep on praying that we get her here safely. That is all I wanted, and my prayers were answered. We have a beautiful daughter.
She has a bruise on her forehead and a crooked nose from being face up hitting my pelvic bone. Things that will go away. Her bruise is already lighted up and her nose is slowly moving into place.
I am beyond thankful that we have our IVF miracle.
Bri is in love with her. All she wants to do is hold her and sing to her. She is already such a great big sister.
I was able to fall in love with my husband all over again watching him bond with his daughter. She already has him wrapped around her fingers. He changed her first diaper and stayed up with her in between feedings so I could get some rest. He is a good daddy.

Recovery has been a lot harder than I would expect. During delivery, my doctor had to do the episiotomy what lead to loosing a lot of blood. My heart rate dropped along with my body temperature. I felt like I was going to throw up all the sudden. They had to put me on extra fluids to keep everything balanced. When they were ready to move me into my room, I felt like I was going to faint. Thankfully, the nurses took good care of me and by the next morning I was doing much better. My heart rate went back to normal, and so did my body temperature. I am really sore down there and have to tend to my stiches. There is no such thing as wiping anymore, I have to use warm water from a water bottle and squirt clean the area. Its is a long process to just have to go potty now.

We were able to get discharged from the hospital on my due date. I believe this would call for a celebration. Happy two day birthday!
She had a great first day back at home. It is not like being in the hospital and having someone waiting on me hand and foot, but at least I have J and Bri to help around the house and to help me with things that I need. We are truly thankful that we had a safe delivery and a healthy daughter. I feel in love all over again in many ways. I am blessed beyond words for this miracle. Going through two rounds of IVF and over 12 hours of labor was beyond worth it to finally hold our answer to our families prayer.

The journey's of our family

Eviction Notice

Your nine month lease is past due. You are hereby asked to vacate the premises within the next 36 hours. Other living arrangements have been made and eagerly await your arrival. 

Well that is how I feel right now. It is August 31st, three more days till my due date. I doubt she will come tonight. I think her wishes of being a September baby is right on track with my wishes. I go into the doctors tomorrow for another checkup. Lets see what he says is going to happen. I am curious if I dilated any more or even effaced at all. His predictions of her coming during the weekend was false. She is still in there!!!
I swear the last few weeks of pregnancy you are wanting to go into labor so you can hold your baby. We’ve waited so long for this moment. Can it be time now?
I decided that tonight I will start doing the things to induce labor naturally. Some of the things I have read online have been pretty entertaining. At least I know I am full term and she is a healthy baby.
She is just running out of room in there. I Just want to dress her up in all her cute outfits and headbands. Doesn’t she know that people are eagerly waiting for her arrival as well? I get text messages every day asking if I have had her yet. Nope! She is still in there being stubborn like her mom and sister.

Braxton hicks still come and go as they please. I can tell they are not the real thing because they are sporadic. From what my friends tell me, labor contractions feel like a really bad menstrual cramp, so bad it hurts to even move. I have felt menstrual like cramping, but they last a few minutes. Labor contractions should be 30-60 seconds and around 5-7 minutes apart. I have had braxton hicks contractions that last that length, but are more like 10 minutes apart, and they stop after a hour or so. I think I have prepared myself mentally for the real thing to happen. Now it is just of matter of time of when?! At least we are all packed ready to go when the real thing happens.
As for now, off to work the last few days till our little girl does decided to come. I will be content if she comes after I leave work tomorrow.

The journey's of our family

39 Weeks: The clock is running out

  Even though I am not technically 39 weeks till Thursday, I went in for my 39 week checkup today. Before I go into detail about my visit, I will let you know how my week went since it was so busy.
Friday went great. It was my cousin’s wedding and the day was filled with events. Thankfully everything went smoothly.
Saturday J and I celebrated 3 years of marriage. We allow ourselves to go out to a fancy dinner. This year was my year to pick, so off we went to The Melting Pot. It was such a great experience to have a romantic dinner with just the husband and I. They placed rose petals over our table with a candle to set the mood for our anniversary. I am sure lucky to have such an amazing husband to call mine.
Sunday I woke up with a bad headache. I pulled myself out of bed and got ready for Church since I had to teach one of the classes. Thankfully I made it through three hours of Church, went home, took some Tylenol with a Diet Coke, ate some lunch and climbed into bed. I told J to play on the XBox so I could nap. It was a win win for him. After a hour of sleeping I woke up with period like cramps. It was horrible. Like any other person, I went onto Google to search if these were labor contractions. I have had Braxton Hicks, but they do not feel like period cramps. I was a little worried. I have an app on my phone that times contractions. I opened it up and started to time them. Each one lasted 5-10 minutes and were at least 20 minutes apart. There was nothing to worry about. It did get me going though. I hurried up and started to pack my hospital bag. I can now say that it is 100% all put together sitting by the door now. I called one of my girlfriends and asked about these period like cramps and she said that they sound like labor contractions. I need to keep focused on them and when the real thing comes, I will know because I will not be able to move. Within a few hours, my inner thighs just throbbed in pain, almost like I just got done working out. I brushed it off and went on with my day and had dinner with my family.
Monday I felt much better. My boss was in town so I got to visit with him and go over what will happen while I am on Maternity leave. One of my best friends and her husband came over for dinner and then the guys escaped to play video games while we hung out. We are both pregnant and only a few days apart. All we wanted to do was relax. My sister in law also ended up coming over to show off her wedding dress she picked up. It was nice just being girls and talking. Something us girls need often. The night came to an end. Around 2am I woke up with sharp pains. I remembered my friend telling me that real contractions will hurt. My first thought: Oh my gosh, is this the real thing? Yeah, No. They went away. Seriously?
Today also know as Tuesday I met with my doctor. Good news! I am dilated to a 4 and he thinks that I will be going into labor before the weekend. I guess that means my dreams of a September baby is gone. All that matters is that she comes to us healthy. I talked to him about all the aches and pains and he said that it is normal to feel all of those. They are definitely contractions. I asked if they were Braxton Hicks and he said no. My body is getting ready for labor. We also talked about the “what if she is late?” Since Bri was a C Section, he will not induce me. If I do go over and I am late, he will do another C Section. Know we just wait for her to come and he is sure it will be this week. Sigh, I have so much to in the office still for work. I guess that just means I am a workaholic. I will forsure make sure I have everything done tomorrow since this little girl can come when ever she wants now.
When I got home from the Doctors office, I noticed that I had this reddish pink discharge. I ended up calling the doctors office and talked to the nurse about it. She told me it is normal and to take things easy. Reading online it says it can be the start of my mucous plug.
So every one…  Looks like this baby girl is coming soon!

The journey's of our family

38 Weeks

Well the title says it all, two more weeks to go! let the nesting began. I have yet to really do much around the house. I do have all of her clothes washed and put. Hospital out fits picked out, and thats about it. I have yet to even put my hospital bag together. I am waiting till after this week since things are going to be hectic. I have my cousins wedding tomorrow along with mine and J’s anniversary and I have to some how manage to plan the rest of my lesson for church on Sunday.
Next week I plan on doing a deep clean of my house after my Dr appointment and then Wednesday I am having a company come over to clean my carpets. I am stoked about getting them cleaned. I am a weird one! I want o have a nice clean nursery though.  I also plan on getting my hospital bag ready next week too. I feel like I am procrastinating, but I really doubt this little pumpkin is coming out early. I have this feeling she will be a little late.
I am proud to say that I do have the nursery all put together. It took some time, but it is done. I ended up buying these cute vinyl decals of branches, birds and flowers to hang the wooden letters my best friend made me. It turned out really cute and placed it all in the corner where the glider is.  
I had this big black frame I got at a yard sale and bought the letter P to go in the center of it and spray painted them coral to hang above the crib. 

  It is a little too orange compared to the bedding, but I still think it looks great. I needed up putting glitter all over the P as well.  

 I love it. The hutch is all put together as well. I have some knickknacks on the shelfs and need to place some more baby books in the room as well. I also want to make a headband holder since I have been going crazy on buying them. She is going to be fierce. Everything is all set, I just need a baby to place in the room.
My last doctors appointment went great. My iron levels are finally going up with the new pills I have been taking. I was beyond excited to hear that. Everything else is just like it was before. My weight has gone up to 156 and my stomach is now at 38, so it has changed a little, but not much. Her heart rate was also at 127.
It seams like the further I am, the less I feel her move. I know you are supposed to feel movement 10 times with in 2 hours, but today I feel like I have hardly been even feeling that. I know she is mostly in my back and ribs today because I can feel the pressure, so I am hoping that is all it is.
I am getting anxious for her arrival. Who would of thought that I would be here a year ago.
I noticed that yesterday was also the day of hope for infertility. I talked to one of my close friends who is struggling right now and is about to start her first cycle on how scary things are. I see so many of my fellow tic sisters starting their family for once, and then I see some of them who are still holding on to hope as they continue to go through treatments. How hard is this journey. I don’t understand why we are faced with this at all and why some after to go through it over and over again just to forfill their dreams. My heart breaks for the ones who have to go through multiple cycles. I am beyond grateful for the worlds modern medicine so we can have this opportunity. We all need to keep holding on to our faith that we will all get our prayers answered

The journey's of our family

36 weeks

Today I went in for my 36 week check up. I waited for an hour to be seen with a sheet draped over me. Let me just tell you how bored I was just sitting there looking out the window waiting.
My stomach is now measuring at 34 inches. I am now at 153 lbs! I still am growing day by day. I am actually really shocked I have not got a stretch mark on my stomach yet. I guess we will see in the next few weeks.
Our little girls heart beat was at 121. I was worried with that number since she has always been in the 130 range, but my Doctor assured me that it was a wonderful number. He explained to me that the closer I get to my due date, the bigger in size they get what causes their heart rate to go down slowly. As long as it is above 110, its a great heart beat.
We checked my iron levels again. I was not happy to hear that it only went up a half of a percent since my 34 week check up. I am asked to take two iron supplements a day now. On the bright side, they are going up slowly and have not dropped. They are looking for a significant increase though.
I am not dilated yet, what really surprises me since I feel so much pressure down there all the time and I get braxton hicks contractions almost daily.
My Dr also asked me if I am planning on doing a vaginal delivery. I told him yes because there was no reason to have a C Section unless she was breached or there was other complications. He explained to me that since I did have a previous C Section, there is a high risk with inducing labor and wants me to go into labor on my own. Thankfully I only have 4 weeks left. I am hoping I don’t go over my due date. I have my step mom and older sister who think I will go into labor early and then there is me who thinks I will be a few days past. I guess only time will tell with this one. I just hope everything goes smoothly.

This past weekend was really busy for me with my family in town for Bri’s baptism and my baby shower. It was great spending time with my Dad and having them stay with me and J. Every day we had something else going on. It kept me very busy, so busy all I wanted to do was relax when they left.
Bri’s baptism was beautiful. I am beyond proud of her decision to be baptized as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. My Dad gave a talk on Baptism and my Sister in law gave a talk on the Holy Ghost. I could not be more proud of how the day went. I felt the spirit so strongly. Her Biological Father baptized her and J did the conformation.  We then had a big luncheon at our house for all the friends and family. 
My baby shower was great as well. We had a great turn out. I got a lot of adorable outfits from friends and family. One of my best friends made some wooden letters to hang on the wall that spell out our little one’s name.
The nursery is almost put together. We painted the walls, set up the crib, put the crib bedding all together in the crib, and now we just have to put together the hutch and decorate the room. I also need to pick up my old rocking chair from my little sister and paint it and find some cushions for it that match the bedding. I dont think it will be that hard since we have a mixture of colors in the room. Her bedding is teal and coral with a splash of different colors. It is quilted with different fabrics as well. I have an antique plastic frame that I painted coral that I am hanging above the crib with the letter P to go inside of it, They are both the same color, but the P will be glittery because every girl needs glitter in their life. I just painted the frame and the P today, so they are not quite ready to hang yet. I am getting more and more anxious to have the nursery all put together.