The journey's of our family

Salt Lake City temple

Every Wednesday we get together with the girls in our class for church activities. We had to brain storm the day before for ideas on what to do. We decided that we should focus our activities on what we were learning about that month. Since we have been learning about temples we came up with the idea of going up to Salt Lake City to the temple and have a scavenger hunt. Only four girls showed up so we split up and off we went.

The list included the following. We had to take a picture with each to prove that we were there

•With a missionary
•with a pioneer a statue
•in front of the Nauvoo bell
•in front of the tabernacle
•with the Salt Lake temple in the background
•in front of Brigham Young’s home
•in front of the Christus

Now the two girls I had insisted that we take pictures with the Elder’s, not sisters! Just in luck, we found the Enders when we were at the visitors center to take a picture in front of the Christus. We had a lot of fun running around.



We had a lot of fun running around finding everything, especially the day before Pioneer day. We all met up after words and sat on the grass. We talked about interesting facts on the Salt Lake Temple. Like how it took 40 years to build the exterior and a year of that was the interior! We also learned that the walls of the temple are 16 feet wide! That is a lot of granite. We had fun discussing all of these things.


I really enjoy teaching these young girls. They are so much fun. They make me feel young again!

I am truly blesses to live in such a wonderful state that we are so close to church history all around us.




The journey's of our family


Yesterday was the big day for me. I left work at One to get everything ready to head to the Doctors office. J had a conference call so I went alone. I was pretty nervous and almost in tears on my way over to the doctors. I never want to be alone through that again. I have been an emotional wreck the past year it seams like. I went to this tough girl, to a girl that can cry to anything.

The IUI went well. The longest part was waiting in the waiting room for an hour while they washed the sperm for insemination. I brought the iPad to entertain me but I got board of it pretty fast. They finally called me back! The nurse asked me how I was doing and I told her I was nervous. She replied to me “There is no need to be, we will take good care of you”. The doctor came in and got me all ready for insemination. It was a very fast process, but not comfortable.  J’s count was lower than it was with the last analyst we had. After washing it brought it down to 4.2 million. That got me even more nervous. I asked the Doctor if we could still get pregnant with those numbers and she assured me that I can and she has seen pregnancies with those numbers. I go back in the office in two weeks for a blood test. I will get the results that day to say if it worked or not. Then I have an appoint the following day to talk to the doctor about the next step to take. With low sperm count numbers they usually will jump into IVF. If we can do IUI a few more times and have it work, it will be a miracle. If the test is negative, I am going to make sure we can do this again next ovulation cycle. It is a better sweet thing to go through IUI. You have such high hopes of it working. Some people have it work with one try, others have to try a few times to have it happen. Infertility is such a hard thing to deal with. I am so thankful for Bri though. She has been such a good daughter and knows how much it means to J and I to have more children. She gave me a hug this morning and said to me “Mom, I really hope this works for you”. I told her “I do too, but if it does not work this month, we will do it again next month”. For her age, she knows alot. I don’t want her left in the dark. She has seen me and J in so much pain trying to have children together. We are blessed to have her in our lives. I cant wait to be able to make her a big sister. She is going to be the best big sister ever!!!

Dealing with trails really awakens me. I am not the only one out there fighting a battle. There is so many people out there that have been dealing with something tragic. My faith as weaken and grew at the same time  from this trail. I have a testimony in Christ knowing that he is there, he is real, he feels our pain, he has died for our sins. I know that if we serve him, he will serve us. I am truly blessed to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints. I have such a big testimony of prayer. I know that if we often pray, our prayers will be answered. Some take a wile, but they will be answered.


The journey's of our family

Happy Ovulation Day!

Well the moment has come! Every morning I wake up at 6am to go pee. It is like clock work, I swear! Since it is early enough I decided to take a test and go back to bed. I go back to bed and a few hours later I wake up to get ready for the day. I have church in the morning and I have to finish getting my lesson ready for my church class.
I went to look at the test and it was positive! I brought it over to J and asked, “does this look positive to you?” Yeah, he was no help. I called our fertility specialist and left a message. They also have an after hours number so I thought, might as well! I let her know that I had a positive OPK and that I needed to schedule my IUI.  She had to call me back with the times she had open, I will be going in at 2. It will be a hour in a half appointment because they need to prep the sperm for insemination. I am really excited about this! This is the moment we have been waiting for. There is a 20% chance that this round will work. I have high hopes, but at the same time I have the thoughts that it won’t. I will be praying a lot for this! Even of it doesn’t work, there is always next month, and the month after! Thank you insurance!!


The journey's of our family

I am ready to go!

Today I had another doctors appointment. Two months ago I had surgery to remove the septum from my uterus. The first month after I was on estrogen to speed up the healing process. My doctor wanted to do a saline sonogram ultra sound today to see where there septum was now. Well good news, it is at .95cm. He is going to let it be! So no repeat surgery, hooray! Since J and I decided that we are going to go with the other dr, this was my last visit with him. Bitter sweet moment but, I am excited to start my journey with this new doctor. We feel very comfortable with her.
Now it’s time to start taking ovulation test! As soon as it shows up positive, I call the Doctors office and I go in the following day for IUI

I am hoping for the best! I can’t wait for all of these doctor appointments to pay off. It has been the longest two years dealing with infertility.

The journey's of our family

Miracles do happen, often



It has been a month! I have not been writing like I should. I have been filed with so much emotions. I got a new calling in my ward. I am now the Mia Maids Adviser. One of the things I have to do is teach them lessons twice a month. Last week I taught them on Temple Ordinances. It was such a great topic to teach them. I had each one of the girls set goals on going to the temple. I was able to share them my experience with going to the temple. I had a goal to go at least once a month so I can stay close to the Lord. It really got me thinking. I have not gone in a long time. For my husband, it has been hard for both of us spiritually dealing with infertility. I pretty much told him we are going on Tuesday. So off we went. I had my Mom watch Bri so we could go.  As soon as I sat down in the chapel, I was overwhelmed with the spirit so strongly. I missed that feeling. It is so important to go. I am thankful that Jason and I had the chance to go together. Latter on we met up in the Celestial room where we sit in peace to pray. I had tears rolling down my face. What better place to go when you are faced with such hard trials. I had this feeling where I knew Heavenly Father is preparing our children right now so we can bring them down to earth. We are on the right path and we need to continue what we are doing. On Thursday we met with the final doctor. I had prayed previously to feel at peace when deciding what one to go with. When we met with it, it was almost instantly I knew this was the one. We told her our story and how we have been to different doctors and they have all told us out only option was to do IVF. She went over everything with us and told us that we are a great candidate for IUI and she would love us to give it a try. She told us it was only $300 a round, what I thought was awesome! We could afford that out of pocket if we wanted to do it for a few times and then if it fails, we can do IVF. We were able to set up everything to start IUI next week, what I am beyond excited about! So next week we start IUI. But, That is not all we found out. While we were about to go into the lab to do our blood work, The doctor told us our insurances covers $20,000 in fertility treatments! Hallelujah! I was so happy I was about to have tears roll down my face. This means no loans for IVF! It means we can pay off our car this year and buy a home! What a big blessing to have right now.  It all worked out and I am thanking Heavenly Father every moment I have for this wonderful blessing to have! It is excited to think in 3 weeks, I may be pregnant. The chances of the first round being successful is 20%, If it does not work, we will do it again the following cycle, and then the next. We decided that we will try 4 maybe 5 rounds of IUI. If they are all not successful then we will start IVF

The journey's of our family

It’s been a busy week

This week has been extra busy for me. Even though it is only Thursday! We have been planing a trip with J’s family for the 4th of July. His grandma is coming into town tonight and I have been trying to get ready for our trip along with cleaning the house. I am 75% done with cleaning but I have no idea when I am going to finish it since I leave after work to go to girls camp for the evening. Then back home to hurry and pack so we can leave bright and early!
I have to say, being busy makes it easy to forget about your trials. Monday was a bumpy road for me. I was pretty emotional. I have been taking our Hailey on walks every evening to just get fresh air. Tuesday we skipped, Brizzy wanted to take her to grandma’s instead. The next door neighbor just adores her and lit up when he saw us in the front yard.
I love the fact that everyone loves Hailey. She loves being the center of attention.


I am very excited to celebrate independents day tomorrow. I love every holiday pretty much. I am a very patriotic person, from what I like to think. I love our country. I love the people who fight for our country. I was not raised in a military family but growing up I had siblings start joining. I have a sister and brother in the navy and another one in the army. I am so proud of then for making such a commitment to all of us. One thing I love about San Diogo is seeing all the naval ships. They are so fascinating. I also live next to an Army Base. We constantly see air crafts flying over us.
We live in a pretty cool place and I am beyond proud to call my self an American! Go USA!

