The journey's of our family

Miracles do happen, often



It has been a month! I have not been writing like I should. I have been filed with so much emotions. I got a new calling in my ward. I am now the Mia Maids Adviser. One of the things I have to do is teach them lessons twice a month. Last week I taught them on Temple Ordinances. It was such a great topic to teach them. I had each one of the girls set goals on going to the temple. I was able to share them my experience with going to the temple. I had a goal to go at least once a month so I can stay close to the Lord. It really got me thinking. I have not gone in a long time. For my husband, it has been hard for both of us spiritually dealing with infertility. I pretty much told him we are going on Tuesday. So off we went. I had my Mom watch Bri so we could go.  As soon as I sat down in the chapel, I was overwhelmed with the spirit so strongly. I missed that feeling. It is so important to go. I am thankful that Jason and I had the chance to go together. Latter on we met up in the Celestial room where we sit in peace to pray. I had tears rolling down my face. What better place to go when you are faced with such hard trials. I had this feeling where I knew Heavenly Father is preparing our children right now so we can bring them down to earth. We are on the right path and we need to continue what we are doing. On Thursday we met with the final doctor. I had prayed previously to feel at peace when deciding what one to go with. When we met with it, it was almost instantly I knew this was the one. We told her our story and how we have been to different doctors and they have all told us out only option was to do IVF. She went over everything with us and told us that we are a great candidate for IUI and she would love us to give it a try. She told us it was only $300 a round, what I thought was awesome! We could afford that out of pocket if we wanted to do it for a few times and then if it fails, we can do IVF. We were able to set up everything to start IUI next week, what I am beyond excited about! So next week we start IUI. But, That is not all we found out. While we were about to go into the lab to do our blood work, The doctor told us our insurances covers $20,000 in fertility treatments! Hallelujah! I was so happy I was about to have tears roll down my face. This means no loans for IVF! It means we can pay off our car this year and buy a home! What a big blessing to have right now.  It all worked out and I am thanking Heavenly Father every moment I have for this wonderful blessing to have! It is excited to think in 3 weeks, I may be pregnant. The chances of the first round being successful is 20%, If it does not work, we will do it again the following cycle, and then the next. We decided that we will try 4 maybe 5 rounds of IUI. If they are all not successful then we will start IVF

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