The journey's of our family

Egg Retrieval


This is the morning everyone dreads because they do not know what to think. If they should be scared or worried. For me, I was anxious. The egg retrieval was all done inside of my fertility clinic. I really love how nice and comfortable my office is. I didn’t feel like I walked into some whole in a wall. J and I dropped Bri off at school a little bit earlier than normal so we can get to the fertility clinic by 8am We waited for maybe 20 minutes tops till the anesthesiologist to come get me. She walked me to the room where I got my self ready and where all the magic happens. She told me this is the only privacy you are going to get. I laughed, it is so true though! Β She got me all ready with my IV’s. I was feeling the drugs pretty good. I remember laying there watching the lights move around. I am pretty sure I told them I thought I was high and had this conversation on how I smoked pot all the time in high school and how I was a bad kid, well for my mom at least! I also remember saying something along the lines of how every one in the clinic has seen my vagina now and there is no point coming in wearing clothes. I guess I was a real comedian. The things drugs do to you. The last thing I remember was them telling me they were waiting for Dr Gurtcheff and there she was. I was out after that. They then helped me walk into a nice cozy recovery room where J was waiting for me. The got me all settled in with a heating pad and blankets. On of the RN’s told me I was pretty funny in there and I was in her top 5 favorites. We then waited for Dr G to come in to talk to us about how many eggs they retrieved. I knew I had about 9 follicles on each side, so in my head I was thinking around 18 or so. Well, Good thing I thought less because they got 21! Yup, our luck number was 21 πŸ™‚ What a blessing! She told us that they will call us in the morning on how many fertilized and we will get a report daily on how they are doing. We will be transfer 5 day blastocyst, that means transfer will be on monday.

I had really bad cotton mouth from all the drugs they gave me. J stopped at 7 Eleven on our way home to pick me up a PiΓ±a Colada Slurpee. We then stopped at Kneaders to pick up some sandwiches to eat. I was starving! I am beyond glad I got something to eat. I was able to get cozy on the couch with my blanket and heating pad and watched lots of episodes of Parenthood (what is my choice of show right now). My mother & sister in law stopped by to check up on me. It was good to visit with them. Following my Mom and my oldest sister came by to visit and take care of dinner. It is nice to know that I have such great family around me to take great care of me.

After the left I convinced J to go to a local food truck that was in our town. They make the best waffles!! They are beyond addicting. I give my husband props! He is a good man and I adore him for all that he does. I told him that he can play on the X Box with his cousins since he got me a waffle.

My pain is alright. It hurts the most when I have to get up and go to the bathroom. Who knew having to go pee would be so painful! The RN and Dr G told me I can only take extra strength Tylenol. If you know me, I think Tylenol doesn’t do crap for me, so I take nothing! Hopefully the pain wont last that long. I think I may go into work tomorrow wearing yoga pants. The boss is out of town so no one will know!

I am excited to hear how many little babies we made! I cant wait to hear the out come. I love knowing that we are doing everything in our power to bring our children to earth.

7 thoughts on “Egg Retrieval”

  1. Just know we are all hear for you as well. We have such a great support system out there. There is a facebook group page “IVF Support” that is amazing! You should jump on there πŸ™‚
    Yes, Grow embys, grow!!!

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