The journey's of our family

Day Eight


I just got done at my eight day check up. Everything looks great. One of my follicles are measuring at 15 1/2mm. They need to be at 18mm to trigger. They grow about 2mm a day. My nurse told me that I may be able to trigger tomorrow. That would be a day earlier than expected. It can still be Tuesday night though. We will see!
This cycle has been going by really fast.
Last night I had the worst migraine! I ended up going to bed really early. I rubbed some peppermint oil on my forehead, took some extra strength Tylenol, had J give me a massage in the dark, curled up in a ball and went to sleep. Luckily I woke up this morning and it was gone. I do I have slight headache still. I can deal with that though.
I have been extremely uncomfortable. Wearing pants is a chore now! I seriously went to work in yoga pants on Friday! Oops! It was casual Friday, right? I have still been irritated with anything and everything. My hormones are out of whack. I definitely do not feel like my self. I rather feel like this though than the emotional wreck that I was when I was taking estrogen and progesterone. That is one thing that the IVF pamphlet’s don’t tell you, you seriously sell you soul to fertility medications. This is all for a good cause though and I am extremely grateful to be able to do this.

1 thought on “Day Eight”

  1. I’m glad to hear everything is going well. I give up wearing pants at around day five of stims. I also got nasty headaches too. You’re so close to being done with this part đŸ™‚ keep up the good work!

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