The journey's of our family

On the Tenth day of injections my true love gave to me..


Since it is Christmas time, I figured I would add some Holiday cheer to my blog. Today is the 10th day of my injections. I woke up to a big bruise on the right side of my stomach. Just as I was starting to think I have not bruised up that much compared to last time. I also remember my stomach stomach sticking out a lot more too. Well last night I noticed that I look like I was pregnant with a burrito. It has yet moved either! This morning my stomach was still poking out! I had to find one of my baggy shirts to wear with some leggings so I could be comfortable and look normal.
Lately I have been getting irritated with anything and everything. I just want to be left alone with no one talking or trying to touch me. Is that no much to ask? I get so irritated when J or Bri comes up and ask me something. My response: “I don’t know, figure it out on your own”  or “I don’t care, just do what ever”. I know, I am way cranky! Hello hormones taking over my soul.

This morning I went in to my day ten appointment to see where things were at. I have scheduled all of my appointments right after I drop Bri off at school so I can make it to work on time. Well today that did not happen. I got there 10 minutes early to be seen 40 minutes later. Usually an ultrasound and blood work take 15 minutes tops. I was out the door 5 minutes passed 9 and was late to work. Not my day. One top of that, I was late yesterday for an appointment that I spaced that was scheduled at 9:15

On the bright side, I have over 3 follicles over 18mm. The biggest one is at 22mm. I look pregnant, pregnant with follicles that is lol. My last blood work to look over my estrogen levels were around 24000. They go up 10% a day I believe. They need to be around 3500-4000 to trigger tonight. The nurse thinks everything should be spot on. I will get a call tonight with all the information I need. I am seriously looking forward to be able to get this done and over with.

Infertility is hard enough, going through two IVF cycles is just has bad. Some times I just don’t get why I have to do all of this to try to have a baby with J. Two in a half years of countless nights crying, praying to god asking “why”, depression, anger, envy, you name it, I have gone through it. I am ready to end this battle. I have learned to be happy with what I have around me. I am grateful for everything that has been placed into my life. I just pray that this cycle can start a new journey.

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