The journey's of our family

Six Fertilized


I got the call from the lab yesterday afternoon. She went over all of the numbers with me.

21 Eggs Eetrieved

12 Matured Eggs

6 Fertilized with ICSI

I was stressed about J’s number so I asked; 12million per ml & 25% motility

I was having a really hard time with these numbers because I felt like the last cycle that we did in September had a lot better numbers, I went through my blog post and wrote down the numbers to compare.

21 Retrieved

16 Mature

13 Fertilized

6 made it to day 3 (8cells)

2 made it to transfer.

I did have them tell me J’s count last time as well. I was under the impression that it was 11million per ml, but she told me over the phone that it was 13.6 million per ml and 28% motility.  So in all I feel like last cycle’s number’s we better all around. Why would this cycle be worse? I was having such a hard time.  I started to cry about it. I can just see this all failing and then we will not have anything to transfer. I started emailing one of my friends who has been going through the same thing. Secondary infertility, first ivf cylce failed, moved on to number two and is on her TWW. Her husband was taking Q10 as well for around 2 months. They transferred two perfect looking blastocyst. From what I remembered, she had a low amount of embryos as well. Talking to her made me feel a little bit better about things.

I have to teach a lesson at church tomorrow and I had a local print shop print off some handouts for me. I ran into one of my old coworkers daughter in law’s who told me who much she admires me for everything that I have been through. (She follows my journey on Instagram) She asked how I was doing and what the next steps are. It is truly nice to know that there are so many people out there rooting for J and I.

I moved Bri’s piano lesson’s to Friday and when I was there my mother in law sent me a text asking if I had heard from the lab. I wanted to break down all over again. I wrote down the numbers on a pice of paper while I was at work and took a picture of it so I can send it to family and friends. I sent it over to her and told her how scared I am about this cycle. We text back and forth about everything. She said “you know, all it takes is that one”  She was right. Why am I stressed so badly about only having six? Six is such a good number to have! even if they do not all make it, all we need is that one to turn into a perfect blastocyst. I have so much faith that is we transfer a perfect blastocyst, then we will have a positive cycle.

I will get my next report some time tomorrow to go over how the embryo’s are doing. It will truly be a blessing to hear that all six, maybe eight are at 8 cells. We will see. Till then I need to be patient, I need to have faith, and I need to trust the Lord.

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