The journey's of our family

Thirteen weeks

imageGosh! I cant even remember the last time that I wrote. I really do need to get better on writing.
Today I hit 13 weeks! It is a great milestone to enter into your second trimester. I honestly feel like this pregnancy is going to go smoothly, but I still have fear of something bad happening. My first pregnancy I lost at 16 in a half weeks. It was a nightmare. I can still remember that day like it was yesterday. I am part of a IVF Pregnancy group on Facebook and a girl posted last night that she just lost her pregnancy at 16 weeks. I felt her pain. I know that pain to well. When I was pregnant with Bri, I felt more better about things after I was 17 weeks. I know that mark is only a month away. It is a fear though that I will always have.

Our next appointment is on J’s birthday. I am really excited about it. The only down fall, our Doctors office will start doing ultrasounds at 20 weeks!! If you want to to find out the gender sooner, you have to pay $50. J and I talked about it and will be paying that $50. We will be finding out around his birthday. I had this genius thought that we should invite our family over and have a birthday party for him, not tell our parents or siblings that we found out and when the cake comes out, it will be a gender reveal cake! J thought the idea is a good one.

Things have been pretty hectic for us. We started looking at homes again. We started putting offers in as well. We found one we both loved. I wanted to think things over over night and the next morning I told J we needed to put an offer on that house. We found out a few days latter that the accepted our offer. Things have been moving fast with things. Everything is with underwriting right now and we are set to close here in the next week or two. I am anxious to move in to our first home.
It is a beautiful 5 bedroom home. I am in love with the back yard. It is over looking the town’s golf course. It has a large deck that is perfect for summer barbecues. I have plans to get a wooden swing set and a trampoline for Bri and our future children. I daydream about our soon to be back yard almost every day. It is perfect and I cant wait to spend my summer back there every day.
I am also anxious for the master bathroom that has a large jetted garden tub. Since J and  I have been married, we have only had a shower to share between the three of us. There are so many countless days that I wish I had a tub to relax in. The thought of being able to enjoy a bath excites me.
I can go on with so many things that I love about our new home. It is just meant for our family. I cant wait to raise our family in our new home.
There is one thing that I am not looking forward to, packing and unpacking. We need to start packing everything up next week. Oh what fun!

Pregnancy symptoms are slowly going away. I have to pee every other hour it seams like. I have been constipated a lot. Nausea has pretty much gone away. There are still times that I gag, like yesterday doing the dishes.
I found out I was anemic and was most likely the cause of my headaches. I have been keeping a higher amount of Iron in my diet. I have noticed that has been helping a lot. The higher intake of Iron can also be the reason for constipation.
Cravings  have been a hit or miss. There is nothing I am crazy about, well besides potatoes at the moment. The weirdest thing I have craved so far is a hot dog with pickled jalapenos. There has been some times that I got upset and I cried. They were pitty things though. Go figure! My tummy has been growing more and more now. My little sister gave me some amazing maturity skinny jeans that I have been wearing. All of my other jeans are way to tight on me. I can only wear some of my leggings and these maturity jeans. I am waiting till we move into our new home so I can buy some more jeans! Our baby should be measuring at 2.9 inches and around 0.81 ounces. From here on out, our baby will be growing a lot every week ❤

The journey's of our family

Growing a Miracle


My mind is not where it is usually at. I need to take some motivation pills or just have some one do all of my work for me.
My house needs to be cleaned, dishes need to be done, laundry needs to be washed and folded. There is times that I get small spurts of motivation and I am able to do the stinky dishes. Hopefully I will get the majority of it back so I can do the house hold chore the wife is meant to do.

Yesterday was our graduation from our fertility clinic. We had another ultrasound to see one healthy baby. The baby was wiggling around doing a happy dance. You were able to see his little heart beat beating through the screen as well. It was such an amazing feeling to see that little guy in there. The baby’s hear beat measured at 164, what is healthy and where it needs to be.
I will be 10 weeks tomorrow!
My mother in law is determined it is a girl, and well J and I are thinking a boy! The soonest you can find out is at 14 weeks. Some time in March we will be able to know if we are going to be decorating in pink or blue!

My stomach is popping out. I cant not button my jeans. I have to use the hair tie trick. J laughs at it every time. At least it is comfortable!
I am off of progesterone and estrogen. I am supposed to take baby aspirin till 12 weeks and take daily prenatal vitamins. Pills are still hard to take, but I manage to get them down.
Morning sickness has been a breeze. I have only thrown up TWICE! What is amazing in my opinion. I do always feel nauseous though. There are times I feel like I am going to let it all go, and then there is nothing.

I have been seeing so many of my TTC sisters get a BFP on an IVF cycle. It makes me very happy for them. One has done a cycle 4 times, and found out her 4th cycle worked and is now pregnant with twins. What a blessing it is to have this opportunity. I am beyond thankful for modern science to make it possible for families to have children.
This journey has been life changing. I have met some amazing people along the way and will continue to met them. In the next 2 years, I will be back on track to making another IVF miracle baby.