The journey's of our family

15 Weeks

Life has been very hectic. J and I are buying our first home and it seams like that alone is taking up our energy. We are supposed to close tomorrow and move in on Tuesday. The day right before J’s birthday. I am very anxious to have out own place. It is going to be a treat.
When you walk into the house, you have this cute sitting room on your right side. It is a perfect place to put our piano. Not only that, but it has a fire place and a gorgeous bay window. I played on Pinterest for many days to figure out what I want to do with the room. With some help from my Aunt, I figured it out. In front of the bay window I am placing two gray wing back chairs with a small table in the center of them. I will have the piano along the wall with a nice oval ottoman in the center of the room. Across from the wing back chairs, I am going to place my love seat (I am picking it out this weekend). I am going to get a ton of accent pillows. I decided on having teal and coral as accent colors. I can not wait to put the room together. All though I am still not sure what to do with the fire place. My aunt has shown me idea’s, but I am still unsure. I know I will figure it when the time comes.
Bri is very anxious to have her very own bathroom! We went to Target earlier this week and she picked out what she wanted. She is going to have a rainbow shower curtain with hot pink towels and rugs. She loves colors. I am glad she picked out the things that she did. That bathroom will be very bright and inviting.
We also have another full bathroom in our basement and I need to figure out decorating that for when we have guest over. I also need to put together a guest room. So much to do. I am anxious and excited for it all. Thankfully I have my room, the master bathroom, the kitchen and the family room sorted out.

Next week is going to be super busy for us. J and I have yet to start packing our basement apartment. I am sure we will be able to get it all done this weekend. We want to try to get the trailer’s loaded up Monday evening. Tuesday evening we will move everything. Wednesday is J’s birthday. We have our 16 week appointment that day along with our gender ultrasound that I have scheduled.  I think it will be on of the best birthday presents for him. Thursday we have his Grandma and Aunt coming into town. Hopefully I will find some time to unpack, get Bri into her new school, and relax. Saturday we are going to have our family come over for a little house warming party slash birthday party slash gender reveal party. I want to keep it some what small so I invited only our parents, siblings, and grandparents. I will be making dinner for everyone too. I am sure I will get plenty of help if I ask.

Morning sickness has pretty much left. I Still get nauseated here and there. I don’t have anything major that I crave yet. I do love cheese though! and I am not that big into sweets. Once in a while I feel like a piece of Chocolate, but then it will go away. I mostly want salty things.
My baby bump is getting more noticeable. I am loving every minute of it. I just love knowing that it is going to get bigger! I enjoy every minute of being pregnant. I have waiting so long to carry this child. I am anxious for September to come. Then I will know it will be any day this beautiful child will be in my arms.

I will not be posting the gender of the baby when we find out. In fact, we wont till our family till that weekend. You will all have to wait too. Family finds out first <3