The journey's of our family

Two Months


I cant believe it has been two months now. Things were pretty hectic for us this month. I hosted my sister in laws bridal shower, my sister in law and her now husband went through the temple for their first time, went to my sister in laws bachelorette party, we blessed Peyton, and then we had my sister in laws wedding. Oh and lets not forget all the family we had in town for all of this. I has been crazy. Crazy enough to have my mind elsewhere. Now I have a house I need to deep clean soon. it needs it.

This week has been an emotional roller coaster for me. I have been breastfeeding PeyPey. It is something I really enjoy. You share this bond with your child. With this month being so hectic, I slowly started my milk supply decreasing. I started looking online for things that I can do to increase it and asked friends as well. I bought 3 boxes of Mothers Milk Herbal tea and have been drinking that daily along with taking Fenugreek. I have been doing this for about 2 weeks now. It is still too soon to notice any difference. I do still feel empty by the end of the day. I will continue to do both things till I notice a difference.
I talked to my OBGYN and Pey’s Pediatrician and they both said to keep on doing what I am doing. If it goes away, there isn’t much I can do. If she is still hungry after a feeding, then supplement.
I am thankful I am able to do both and she has not winged her self off yet. I am not ready to give that up. I want to at least make it to 3 months.

Our little girl is now 8lbs. 15oz. and 22 inches long! It is hard to believe that a lot of babies are born that size, then here is my little girl now 2 months old barley fitting into 0-3 month clothes. I do love my little peanut.
Big sister has been adjusting great. She loves taking care of her. She will willingly change her diapers and doing other baby duties. I am anxious for her to start eating solid so Bri can feed her. I better soak this all up now because once she is older, she will be wanting to do her own thing instead of big sister duties.

Postpartum comes and goes with me. This week was really hard. I had a few break downs.  It could be from the lack of sleep I was getting. Always on the go with no breaks. I had a big break down the night of my sister in laws wedding and then another the other night. I want to be able to feel normal again. I want to be able to get through the day with not having a negative thought.
Some times it is hard for me to get the words out, so I wrote J a letter explain how I have been feeling and what I wanted/needing him to do to help me out. I am glad that I did because I do feel and notice a difference.

I came back to work in the middle of October. I have been able to work from home and it has been a great blessing. I love being able to stay at home, do my work and take care of my baby girl at the same time. There has been a few times I have had to go into the office, but I am fine with that.
We are stay playing catch up with our finances from me being out of work. Thankfully, this is the last month. We also had a lot of hospital bills that had to be paid. Now that they are all paid, we can focus on Christmas.

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