The journey's of our family

It’s a never ending story.

The beginning of the year, J and I agreed that we felt like it is time to start trying to get pregnant. So we started the process. We got the news from our insurance that we still had funds left to start another IVF cycle, only to find out that they gave us false information. They wouldn’t do any thing about it either that caused a lot of heart ache. With a lot of prayer, we decided that we should do back to back IUIs. Our first cycle was a chemical pregnancy, then we did two more and no luck. I felt that it was going to take a while. We took a little break and started again. Now here we are 9 months latter with the end of our 6th IUI that lead into our 4th chemical pregnancy. Honeslty, I am in a mixture of so many emotions. I can’t stop thinking of every little negative thing on why this isn’t happening. I just don’t get this. Why do I have this challenge in life? What good does it do? It ruins you. I am beyond emotionally drained.