The journey's of our family

36 weeks

Today I went in for my 36 week check up. I waited for an hour to be seen with a sheet draped over me. Let me just tell you how bored I was just sitting there looking out the window waiting.
My stomach is now measuring at 34 inches. I am now at 153 lbs! I still am growing day by day. I am actually really shocked I have not got a stretch mark on my stomach yet. I guess we will see in the next few weeks.
Our little girls heart beat was at 121. I was worried with that number since she has always been in the 130 range, but my Doctor assured me that it was a wonderful number. He explained to me that the closer I get to my due date, the bigger in size they get what causes their heart rate to go down slowly. As long as it is above 110, its a great heart beat.
We checked my iron levels again. I was not happy to hear that it only went up a half of a percent since my 34 week check up. I am asked to take two iron supplements a day now. On the bright side, they are going up slowly and have not dropped. They are looking for a significant increase though.
I am not dilated yet, what really surprises me since I feel so much pressure down there all the time and I get braxton hicks contractions almost daily.
My Dr also asked me if I am planning on doing a vaginal delivery. I told him yes because there was no reason to have a C Section unless she was breached or there was other complications. He explained to me that since I did have a previous C Section, there is a high risk with inducing labor and wants me to go into labor on my own. Thankfully I only have 4 weeks left. I am hoping I don’t go over my due date. I have my step mom and older sister who think I will go into labor early and then there is me who thinks I will be a few days past. I guess only time will tell with this one. I just hope everything goes smoothly.

This past weekend was really busy for me with my family in town for Bri’s baptism and my baby shower. It was great spending time with my Dad and having them stay with me and J. Every day we had something else going on. It kept me very busy, so busy all I wanted to do was relax when they left.
Bri’s baptism was beautiful. I am beyond proud of her decision to be baptized as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. My Dad gave a talk on Baptism and my Sister in law gave a talk on the Holy Ghost. I could not be more proud of how the day went. I felt the spirit so strongly. Her Biological Father baptized her and J did the conformation.  We then had a big luncheon at our house for all the friends and family. 
My baby shower was great as well. We had a great turn out. I got a lot of adorable outfits from friends and family. One of my best friends made some wooden letters to hang on the wall that spell out our little one’s name.
The nursery is almost put together. We painted the walls, set up the crib, put the crib bedding all together in the crib, and now we just have to put together the hutch and decorate the room. I also need to pick up my old rocking chair from my little sister and paint it and find some cushions for it that match the bedding. I dont think it will be that hard since we have a mixture of colors in the room. Her bedding is teal and coral with a splash of different colors. It is quilted with different fabrics as well. I have an antique plastic frame that I painted coral that I am hanging above the crib with the letter P to go inside of it, They are both the same color, but the P will be glittery because every girl needs glitter in their life. I just painted the frame and the P today, so they are not quite ready to hang yet. I am getting more and more anxious to have the nursery all put together.