The journey's of our family


/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/51c/70446113/files/2014/12/img_4907.jpgWe are officially Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise!

Yesterday we went into the Dr’s office at 12:30 for transfer. They have you come in a half hour prior to your appointment to take a valium. J and I sat and we waited. I was already feeling pretty loopy from the valium before they called me back. I am surprised that I was pretty calm and excited when we were waiting. The nurse called us back to get me ready for transfer. The only nervous part was waiting to here how the embryo’s were doing. I was keeping strong though. After a few minutes our Dr came in with the report. Sadly out of our five, only two made it. One of them was a perfect blastocyst though, what is really good news.  We went ahead and transferred them both. As of right now, I am pregnant with twins again until proven other wise. We go in on the 26th for our blood test.


On our way home, J and I picked up some lunch since we were starving. I wanted to pick up a pineapple on our way home, but neither of us wanted to go to the store. Since I am now officially on bed rest till tomorrow, it was not the best idea for me to run into the store. I asked my sister in law to pick on up for me instead on her way home from work. I was determined to have a pineapple. I have heard wonders about the pineapple core trick. What is the worst thing that could happen? Nothing! I had J cut the pineapple up for me and place the core in a blender with some other fruits and make a smoothie out of it for me. My dear sister in law also picked up some flowers for me and a box of chocolates on behalf of her and J’s parents. I am extremely thankful for them. What girl doesn’t love chocolates, flowers, oh and a pineapple!

One of our friends from church brought our family dinner. I am thankful we are well taken care of by family and friends. Dinner was delicious and is what we needed.

Today is now 1dp5dt (one day past five day transfer). I have been glued to the couch watching Scandal on Netflix. It is getting so good. I have probably dozed off two times to take little cat naps. J has been working from home still. He has been catering to my needs. I made spaghetti sauce last week so I had J boil some noodles for me. Lunch was just was a need to fill my belly. I have all my snacks I need next to me, and my water bottle.

One thing I have noticed is that I have been extremely constipated to the point I get stomach pains. I have been drinking double the amount of water that I normally drink and I have been making sure I have a high fruit and fiber intake. I read online that this is common with all the medications.

For now I need to keep on resting. I am really excited that we had a perfect looking embryo. All we need is that one. I have high hopes right now. Nothing will get me discourage. There is no way I am peeing on a stick either! Even though I think it would be really fun to have a positive pregnancy test, put in in a bracelet box, and stick it in Jason’s stocking on Christmas day. I don’t want anything to ruin my holiday with my family. For now, it is happy thoughts and I am pregnant till some one tells me I am not.

The journey's of our family

We have four growing strong

This weekend has been pretty good to me. I was able to keep my self busy with retail therapy. Yesterday afternoon I went out with my sister in law to get some things for Christmas presents. She was pretty worn out after a hour our two so we grabbed a late lunch and head back home. For the past few days I have been taking things easy, I decided to find a new show to watch on Netflix. I started to watch Scandal. It has me pulled in pretty good. I truly love the addicting TV shows. When I got home from shopping, I was able to squeeze an episode before my best friend called me to let me know she was ready for our girls night. I am glad that we got to go out together. We both have been through so much and we both really needed to get out of the house. I met her at her house and off we went to do more shopping! On the bright side, I was able to finish all of my shopping! That is a big stress reliever right there. I have all of the stocking stuffers and all of the last minute gifts. Now I just need to wrap up the rest of things. When Holl’s and I were at Kohls, we noticed they had a bunch of Juicy Couture purses, clutches, and wallets. (one thing about me, I love ANYTHING Juicy Couture, ANYTHING! My glasses are even Juicy Couture)
Holl and I both came across these black wallet clutches that were on sale. I feel in love with them. We both splurged and got the same one. I will be handing it over to Santa to put under the Christmas Tree though. I seriously can not wait to use it.

J has still been under the weather from his surgery and Bri is gone for the weekend. It has been a very “me” weekend. This Sunday happened to be the week I had to teach. I decided to teach on making Christ the center of their homes. What a great lesson to teach around Christmas. I found these cute chocolate ginger bread houses and tied a quote on them for the girls. I am very thankful that I teach these young girls. Being able to prepare lessons and teach them helps me become a more better person.

Just before church got over my phone started to ring and I had to silence it. I knew it was the Fertility Center calling me to go over my embryo report that I have been waiting for. Thankfully she left me a VM to go over my transfer time and how the embryo’s are doing. I go in Tuesday afternoon for transfer like anticipated. We have four 8 cell embryo’s that are going strong and one 5 cell. I am not sure if the 5 cell is going to make it, but I am extremely thankful that we have the four. What a blessing to have. I am praying that they all make it to Tuesday to full blastocyst. I am trying to stay very optimistic about this.

The journey's of our family

Transfer Day

It’s been a little while since I wrote. Monday we were able to transfer two embryos

The transfer went great. They ask to come to the clinic 30 minutes prior to transfer. They then asked me to take my valium pill. By the time they got me I felt pretty loopy. Dr Gurtcheff came in to talk to us about our embryos. She wanted to transfer two because they weren’t fully blastocyst like she attended. We had two others that she wanted to keep over night. The transfer went great though and I did not feel much of it at all. We got to watch the two little embryo enter in.
So for now I am pregnant with twins until proven otherwise!

When we got home I took a very long nap. By the time I woke up, Jason had dinner ready. I must of been starving because I ate it all up in 5 minutes or less and then wanted more!
Yesterday I slept most of the day. I have been so out of it. I got the call from the clinic saying that our other two embryos did not make it. That leaves none to freeze. I started to cry after I got off of the phone. I was upset that we had none to freeze. I was even more upset with the thought of the two we transferred not making it. I don’t know what to think at this point. I told Jason when it comes time to renew our insurance plans, we need to find another that covers fertility treatments. We had the right about to do one fresh and one frozen cycle and if this doesn’t work, we have to do another fresh. I don’t mind going through all of that again. I just want this to work.
I need to keep faith though that everything will work out the way it is supposed to. I am anxious to go back to work tomorrow though! Sitting at home is not the most fun thing out there to do. Especially when you can do much of anything!
I go in to the clinic next Thursday for my blood test. I am praying that this worked!

The journey's of our family

Egg Retrieval


This is the morning everyone dreads because they do not know what to think. If they should be scared or worried. For me, I was anxious. The egg retrieval was all done inside of my fertility clinic. I really love how nice and comfortable my office is. I didn’t feel like I walked into some whole in a wall. J and I dropped Bri off at school a little bit earlier than normal so we can get to the fertility clinic by 8am We waited for maybe 20 minutes tops till the anesthesiologist to come get me. She walked me to the room where I got my self ready and where all the magic happens. She told me this is the only privacy you are going to get. I laughed, it is so true though!  She got me all ready with my IV’s. I was feeling the drugs pretty good. I remember laying there watching the lights move around. I am pretty sure I told them I thought I was high and had this conversation on how I smoked pot all the time in high school and how I was a bad kid, well for my mom at least! I also remember saying something along the lines of how every one in the clinic has seen my vagina now and there is no point coming in wearing clothes. I guess I was a real comedian. The things drugs do to you. The last thing I remember was them telling me they were waiting for Dr Gurtcheff and there she was. I was out after that. They then helped me walk into a nice cozy recovery room where J was waiting for me. The got me all settled in with a heating pad and blankets. On of the RN’s told me I was pretty funny in there and I was in her top 5 favorites. We then waited for Dr G to come in to talk to us about how many eggs they retrieved. I knew I had about 9 follicles on each side, so in my head I was thinking around 18 or so. Well, Good thing I thought less because they got 21! Yup, our luck number was 21 🙂 What a blessing! She told us that they will call us in the morning on how many fertilized and we will get a report daily on how they are doing. We will be transfer 5 day blastocyst, that means transfer will be on monday.

I had really bad cotton mouth from all the drugs they gave me. J stopped at 7 Eleven on our way home to pick me up a Piña Colada Slurpee. We then stopped at Kneaders to pick up some sandwiches to eat. I was starving! I am beyond glad I got something to eat. I was able to get cozy on the couch with my blanket and heating pad and watched lots of episodes of Parenthood (what is my choice of show right now). My mother & sister in law stopped by to check up on me. It was good to visit with them. Following my Mom and my oldest sister came by to visit and take care of dinner. It is nice to know that I have such great family around me to take great care of me.

After the left I convinced J to go to a local food truck that was in our town. They make the best waffles!! They are beyond addicting. I give my husband props! He is a good man and I adore him for all that he does. I told him that he can play on the X Box with his cousins since he got me a waffle.

My pain is alright. It hurts the most when I have to get up and go to the bathroom. Who knew having to go pee would be so painful! The RN and Dr G told me I can only take extra strength Tylenol. If you know me, I think Tylenol doesn’t do crap for me, so I take nothing! Hopefully the pain wont last that long. I think I may go into work tomorrow wearing yoga pants. The boss is out of town so no one will know!

I am excited to hear how many little babies we made! I cant wait to hear the out come. I love knowing that we are doing everything in our power to bring our children to earth.

The journey's of our family

Last BCP


I think every one anticipates the last birth control pill when preparing for IVF. I have hated this little blue pill. I have had the worst mood swings from it. I found my self getting mad at the dumbest things. For example, One day I was getting Brizzy ready for school and she walked out the door with her back pack. Why on earth would you get mad about something like that? I had to apologize to her daily for my actions. I was not so bad with J. All though my libido was pretty much to nothing!

I just am beyond excited to say good buy to these pills! 

J has been traveling for work again. Its lame that he has to be gone 😦 Last night I stayed up watching Parenthood on Netflix till midnight because I could not sleep. I was waking up at odd hours from my dog barking out side, what she was doing, who knows! I am glad that I have a busy week. Tuesday Brizzy has Piano Lessons and Ballet, Wednesday we go to the dentist and I have Church Activities, Thursday I am babysitting my niece and Friday I go in for blood work and  a baseline ultrasound. On the bright side, He comes home Friday night just in time to help me stick my self with needles Saturday morning! How exciting! I am really excited for these next two weeks to start this journey togetherIMG_3132.JPG