The journey's of our family

Trigger Shot

Last night I got the call from my doctors RN that I can do my trigger shot at 8:30pm. I was so excited to hear those words since I was stressing my self out if it was set back another day. She gave me list of things I had to do this week. Since I was at my sisters house, I had to find a pen to write everything down. I was so excited to do one last shot! I had it ready by 8:20 and made J sit there till the clock struck 8:30 to give me the shot! I know, I am a little odd! In the morning they asked me to take a home pregnancy test. With HCG, it should show up positive. Since I wake up twice or so in the middle of the night to pee, I had to take one each time to make sure that the trigger shot was working. And it did! I called the doctors office this morning to let them know it was positive.
Tonight I need to read over my surgery consent and sign my life away once more. They also ask you to douche. I know, TMI! But, this is what you if you want a baby this badly.

Tomorrow morning I will have to douche again. Why? I have no idea. Maybe to make sure that area is nice and clean… I have check in time at 8am for Egg Retrieval. They will also be taking J’s semen specimen so they can fertilize they eggs once they retrieve them.

Thursday I start taking Progestrone, Medrol and Estrogen daily. YAY! I am not looking forward to all of that. I hate the way estrogen makes feel. The other’s, I am not sure. Maybe it will balance out my hormones.

I feel like I have sold my soul to fertility medications. My stomach is black and blue from all the shots, I am completely bloated and I constantly ache.

I am beyond thankful I have such amazing people around me to support Jason and I with this journey.IMG_3319.JPG